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Rebecca Johnsen

The Convicting Steps to Christ

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

By Rebecca Johnsen

The blazing sun beat down on my friend and I as we retraced our steps up a long driveway, leaving yet another unanswered door behind us. We were canvassing in the heat of the summer and had worked up a good sweat.

As we neared the entrance of the drive, we saw a four-wheeler, driven by an older tough-country-looking guy, go by. I didn’t think much of it until I realized that he was turning around. At first, I was slightly nervous since I was not sure of his intentions.

However, as my friend and I walked towards him, I realized that he might be the man who had answered our knock about 20 minutes before. At this particular door, we had to use some persistence in knocking. When the door had finally opened, the guy told us he was not interested. Often we would leave a Steps to Christ or GLOW tract with a person who wasn’t interested in purchasing any books. On this particular occasion, we left a small Steps to Christ with him before moving on to the rest of our houses.

Now, we were allowed the opportunity to talk to this man again. He told us he had been asleep when we first knocked on his door. He wished to listen to our pitch again, so I canvassed him on the Great Controversy and the cookbook. After hearing the canvass, he decided to buy both books! In talking with him, we found that he had begun to read the Steps to Christ and found it interesting. He decided that he should see what we had been offering. We were amazed to see the fruits of a seed that we had planted so quickly.

Meeting him a second time was a bright spot in our day. As canvassers, we are accustomed to the work of searching for people who are open to receiving what we have to offer. But it is always refreshing to see someone actively searching for truth.


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