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Cameron Shurley

Our Plans, God's Providence

We have four weeks till we arrive in Camaguey, Cuba, and there is much preparation to do.

For most students, clothes are not an issue. We have an outfit for every day of the week. Can’t we spare to those who go without? Last Monday in the music building we held a free bazaar, with all types of vestments spread out on the chairs. Students and staff alike were encouraged to look through the clothing for things they could take to wear in Cuba and then leave behind for a Cuban to put to good use.

We are planning to visit seven cities. Staff and students have been divided into seven groups. Each group is assigned to a city. They will join an evangelistic series for both kids and adults. During the day, teams will engage with the people in their homes and invite them to the meetings. Currently, every Sabbath the groups meet and discuss their plans. Speakers practice their sermons together, health presenters learn about the eight laws of health and V.B.S. leaders learn songs in Spanish and organize the crafts for each night. The weekend we arrive in Cuba, the choir and bell choir will perform concerts in churches and schools in Camaguey. Only eight choir practices remain to put a whole program of

Spanish pieces to memory!

Mrs. Diaz-Henderson lectures on how to sing Spanish without butchering its beauty. Learning a language is not easy; mastering one in ten weeks is even harder. Nonetheless, we are attempting to grasp all the Spanish we can.

Three-fifths of our mission is already paid for and we thank God. Our biggest need is the help of the Great Commissioner. Prayer is essential. We gather weekly to pray for our plans for. God’s guidance and blessings. Please continue to pray for our mission to Cuba, without prayer all the planning, practicing, and packing will be in vain.


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