Commitment is hard. Young people often suffer from indecisiveness, flakiness and fear. Most of us are scared of lifelong commitments: marriage, mortgages and choosing a career. But what about commitment to God? Why is that so scary? What keeps us from making a decision for Christ?
The theme for our week of prayer was commitment to Christ. Each letter in the word COMMIT stands for a principal one needs to truly commit to Christ: Counting the cost, Owning your message, Meeting the need, Moving fearlessly, Independently dependent and Taking His promises to heart.
Each morning a student spoke on one letter in the C.O.M.M.I.T acronym. For instance on Monday the speaker spoke about counting the cost using the words fomo and jomo (if you want to learn more about that check out our Oklahoma Academy YouTube channel). During the evening meetings we watched “Beyond The Gates of Splendor,” a riveting story of missionaries who gave their all. After that we divided into groups of seven to discuss the topic using study guide questions like “What does it mean to count the cost?” “How can you meet the need?” and “What does it take to move fearlessly.?”
The enemy tried to distract and discourage and students, but God worked miracles. Special musics came together at the last minute, bewildered speakers somehow delivered powerful messages and hearts were softened and renewed.
The week ended with a delicious agape feast laden with Mediterranean food and not-your-typical communion. Mr. Holland encouraged us to take second and third helpings of the bread and wine because Jesus wants us to eat freely of him. The evening ended with testimonies and thanksgiving.
This student week of prayer has ended, but we hope we all will continue or begin to seek God and commit to Him.